PELLISCASE - From idea to product

PELLISCASE - From idea to product

From idea to (almost) final product – the first-ever Pellicase!

Everything started back in October 2023 while preparing myself for a 1000km plus off-road event called "Portugal de Lés-a-Lés Off-Road 2023" and how I was unsatisfied with the storage solutions I found in the market for my Husqvarna Norden 901 Expedition, which, by the way, were more or less the same available to all other motorcycles out there 😊. But about that, you can read a little more here and soon watch a short video on our YouTube channel about it. I don't want to be a spoiler 😉.

The purpose of this post is different. Yes, I know I am a little bit stubborn 😅. 

When we started the adventure of creating the first Pelliscase, I had an image in my mind of how it should look. Above all, we didn't want to mess with the Husqvarna Norden 901 Expedition look and feel. The Pelliscase should integrate perfectly into the bike's look and feel.

However, going from idea to reality takes hard work. In our case, there are 13 different versions of hard work 😅, from start to (almost) finish, to be more specific. We embarked on a journey of design exploration and iteration. Throughout these 13 evolutions, we fine-tuned and refined the first Pelliscase design, incorporating feedback from other riders and industry professionals. Each iteration brought us closer to our vision as we sought to achieve the perfect balance of functionality and aesthetics.

👆The very first physical version of the first Pelliscase ever. This one didn't even fit in the bike, but it was a fantastic starting point.

Armed with a prototype of Pelliscase, we conducted field tests in real-world riding conditions, as you can see by yourself in our YouTube Channel and Social Media posts (Facebook and Instagram). We put Pelliscase through its paces, gathering invaluable feedback from other riders. Their insights and observations were instrumental in identifying areas for improvement and refining the product to meet the needs of riders all over the world.

In addition to field tests, we subjected Pelliscase to a battery of functionality and durability tests. From impact resistance to weather durability, all to ensure that the Pelliscase met the highest standards of quality and reliability.

👆And, the very first usable Pelliscase. Despite all its flaws, this one has done thousands of kilometres and was subject to dozens of tests. As you can see below, it suffered, but the learnings from it used to improve the final product were unmeasurable.

👆The state of the first usable Pelliscase after thousands of kilometres and dozens of tests. Still being used on a daily basis 😊.

As the design and functionality of Pelliscase neared completion, we turned our attention to the finishing touches. We did multiple painting and finishing tests to achieve the required balance of style, aesthetics and usability.

👆Testing painting and other materials. To make everything quicker, since we already had orders, we started testing smaller parts of the entire Pelliscase in parallel.

The journey from idea to product has been nothing short of exhilarating ☺️. Through countless hours of dedication, hard work, and determination, we've transformed a simple concept into an innovation. Looking ahead, we remain committed to continuing to evolve and innovate in pursuit of our passion for motorcycles and our passion for providing the best storage solutions to all riders 😊.

👆In the next few days, the pillion seat of this same motorcycle will be pretty different (or not). Stay tuned 😊.

The Pellicase concept:


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